Sunday, December 28, 2008


"The key to success..."
© Lloyd Pollard 1996
pen & ink on paper
First published in this blog.
Previously unpublished and not exhibited.

The key to success lies in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the mind.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Magical Man...

'A Man's Magic' © Lloyd Pollard 1996
pen & ink on paper
Published by kukulu Gallery.
First blog publication.
(Original in Private collection)


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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


'Ancient Man, Divine Warrior' © Lloyd Pollard 1998
pastel & acrylic on paper
First published in this blog.
Previously unpublished and not exhibited.
(Private collection)

He wears the history of his every hope, thought, action, pain, prayer, tear and fear as an unapologetic tattoo.

The scars of his life adorn him.
The youth of his soul sustains him.

The silence of his presence strengthens him.
The serenity of his nature sustains him.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Sacred Birth...

'Birth from the Self' © Lloyd Pollard 1994
pen & ink on paper
First published in this blog.
Previously unpublished and not exhibited.

From within are all things born:
From the things we crave to the things we fear

From things not known to things of awareness

From things uncertain to things of presence

From things of desire to things of divinity

From things of a 'sinner' to things of a 'saint'

From things of pain to things of joy

From things of silence to things of expression

From things of 'failure' to things of 'greatness'
From things of darkness to things of light.
We are all possibilities and potentialities.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008


'A Woman's Love' © Lloyd Pollard 1996
pen & ink on paper
Published by kukulu Gallery.
First blog publication.
(Original in Private collection)

You are my Love
You are my Light,
Your are my Passion
Your are my Sight.

You are my Grace
You are my Courage,
You are my Abundance
You are my Knowledge.

Without you there is no Light
Without you no will to Fight.
With you there is a Desire to be
All elements of my unfathomed Mystery.

From thy feet I will Rise
From thy hand I will Devise the fates of worlds yet to be born.

In your light I will Live
In your presence I will Give,
In your spirit I will Survive
In your love I will Thrive.

With you I will be more than my childlike history.
With you, I will live out loud
laugh out loud
learn out loud
love out loud
create out loud and
dream out loud.

For this privilege I say, thank you mother, sister, wife, daughter, lover, confident and friend.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Collecting Art (Part 3 of 3)

Finding you inner voice.

The accumulation of art is a personal act.
Hang it in your special place.
View it in your moments of need.
Share it with those who have a desire to know you.
Your art tells you what you know about yourself at a given moment.

Beyond the physical gathering of objects, art collecting is a gathering together of personal experiences and meaningful life moments documented through images that tell a collector's personal story.

Our personal experiences and aspirations are the key drivers to collecting art. Anything can be collected, but that does not necessarily mean that the objects will have meaning, influence and purpose. A powerful collection of art must arise from the aligned perspective and spirit of the buyer, an artist and the time that they are living in.

The level of personal enlightenment and awareness that a collector brings to their life will influence the caliber of the artists and the depth of works they collect.

A collection is an accumulation of all things considered to be memorable, meaningful, masterful and extraordinary to a time, a place, a moment and/or a life.

Creating a collection is the process of finding and expressing one's inner voice.

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