Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quantum Dance...

"Rhona's Sketch" © Lloyd Pollard
ink on paper
First published in this blog.
Never exhibited.
Private Collection.

A sample of life dancing, evolving and manifesting itself on the molecular tree of life.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"Desert Warrior" © Lloyd Pollard
pastel on paper
First published in this blog.
Previously unpublished and not exhibited.

The sand and wind will make the skin tough like leather and the heart humble, wise and knowing.

Such is the Warrior's way.
Such is the Warrior's journey.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Hold on... (lovin' . touchin' . squeezin')

"The Healing Hand" © Lloyd Pollard
ink on paper
First blog publication.
Previously unpublished.

In the Hand lies the Power:
to heal, to feel, to take
to give, to accept, to Touch
to hold, to move, to bless
to undress, to caress
to stop, to pray and
to save...

The energy within your hand will change your life and the world.
Choose your actions authentically and wisely.

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